Tea Leaf Reading • Palm Reading • Runes


To book your appointment choose from one of the below and get in touch with me: [email protected] 07554434803

Palm Reading: discover the secrets in the palm of your hand with this ancient practice and gain different perspectives and a positive outlook. By exploring our hand length, finger shape, fingernails and lines, the hand can speak like a road map, revealing our mental, bodily and emotional state. Unveiling secret mysteries in our unconscious and help us see into our past, present and future. Hands can change and with these new understandings we can feel empowered to make the right choices for us. Connecting to our higher self, inner guidance and tapping into our intuition.

Tea Leaf Reading: Tessomancy is the method that interprets shapes and patterns in loose tea leaves, coffee grounds, or wine sediments. The terms derive from the French word ‘tasse’ meaning cup and ‘mancy’ meaning to gain knowledge. So put the kettle on and let’s see what is in the blend for you with this ancient magical wisdom…ClariTEA, PositiviTEA, ImmuniTEA, StabiliTEA, SereniaTEA, SpiritualiTEA!

Runes: ‘Rune’ meaning secret or mystery Runes can be used as a tool for unlocking our self knowledge and awareness guiding us to answers can be hidden within our subconscious. By asking the 25 rune amulets questions, sharing an issue or concern we can focus on our hearts desires and receive confirmation on what we need. Some ways to interpret the stones are by choosing one at a time from a bag, holding all stones and casting them onto a casting cloth. You can can read just face up stones or also incorporate face down stones offering reversed meanings opening up more opportunities and interpretations. This story telling tool is a great way to enhance your meditation practice. This ancient set of symbolic letter alphabet originates from across Northern Europe Germanic Tribes and historically appeared on everything from weapons, jewellery, monuments, household objects and used for protection. Evidence suggests that Vikings brought this over in 980AD and there is Latin origin suggesting sharing these traditions when trading with Romans. Our knowledge of runes generally comes from inscriptions found on stone but there is reason to believe runes were created in less durable materials like bone and wood. Made only using straight lines with added with colour from berries and plants they can make up words and poems too. There are many famous rune stones throughout Europe today and people study the linguistics in Runology.

30mins £33 | 1hr £55 In person or Online at a time and place that suits you!

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